
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Life with Leo

Leo came into our lives two weeks ago. His family is spending six weeks abroad, and since we don't have a canine pal of our own, my kids thought having Leo stay over will be just what we need. They offered their services along with the plaintive plea to Leo's mom that this would be their ticket to a dog of their own down the road.

Now their dad and I are not against their happiness for the most part, but a puppy!! Just sounds like a lot of work. Dad already knew from his childhood that playing with his two dogs was much more fun than taking care of them. That responsibility was exclusively Grandma's. To save me all the trouble that would ensue if we gave into pressure come yuletide every year, he would say his piece in advance. NO DOG THIS YEAR!!

Well, with no good ammo to back us up this time...Leo is 14...we've met him many will be home during summer....why the older child told everyone at school, so now there was her reputation as a dog-sitter to protect....we gave in.

And who thinks Leo is the cutest, smartest, after-a-bath-good-enough-to-eat little fella. Yup, yours truly. I am a slobbering dog lover inside the body of a no-dog-in-this-house. Gosh, I am in trouble!

- Leo's summer mom


  1. Yes you are in trouble....but actually, you are in for a treat. Honestly, the only period of my life that I didn't have a dog was between the ages of 1-5 and 20-25. I have been blessed with some wonderful canine friends/family! I know you and your family will the very near future....I'm thinking....!

  2. You poor dear. You know you're gonna have to get one now :)

  3. Aww, go get one girl! You got a place for it to run and a family that will take turns caring for it (keep your fingers crossed on that one ;-)). And if you have friends to take care of it while you are away, you have your bases covered. Go get one :-D.

  4. Sorry to be the party pooper here....but this is coming from another mom......there is a lot of work when u have a little puppy and unlike kids it isn't a stage in life....and they DONT grow not-so gung-ho-about-puppy.

    U know, i wish i was a kid and could have one and have my mum do all the work.....EEPS.....she will kill me.....
